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Flying Animal

Easy to Refresh 3-legged Token

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The reason I write this post is that I have seen many people asking how to refresh a 3-legged token, especially when working with Autodesk Forge APIs. Recently, I have been receiving a lot of questions about this topic.

With aps-toolkit library relate to topic Autodesk Platform Services Toolkit Published, refreshing a 3-legged token is a simple task. This post shows how to do it in Python. I fogot to mention that you need to install the library first.

  1. You can do it by running the following command:
pip install aps-toolkit --upgrade
  1. You need make sure that you have setting environment variables for APS_CLIENT_ID, APS_CLIENT_SECRET,APS_CALLBACK_URL, and APS_REFRESH_TOKEN. It can more easy to use command line with macos or linux:
export APS_CLIENT_ID=your_client_id
export APS_CLIENT_SECRET=your_client_secret
export APS_CALLBACK_URL=your_callback_url
export APS_REFRESH_TOKEN=your_refresh_token

In case you are using Windows, you can use the following command:

set APS_CLIENT_ID=your_client_id
set APS_CLIENT_SECRET=your_client_secret
set APS_CALLBACK_URL=your_callback_url
set APS_REFRESH_TOKEN=your_refresh_token
  1. Login and Refresh 3-legged token, use code below to automate the process:
import os
from aps_toolkit import Auth, Token
refresh_token = os.getenv('APS_REFRESH_TOKEN')
token = Token(refresh_token=refresh_token)
if refresh_token is not None:
    # try to login automation 
        client_id = os.getenv('APS_CLIENT_ID')
        client_secret = os.getenv('APS_CLIENT_SECRET')
        print('Token refreshed')        
    except Exception as e:
        print('Token refresh failed, trying 3leg auth')
        auth = Auth()
        token = auth.auth3leg()

The above code allows you to easily refresh a 3-legged token, don't need so much worries about token can expire in 60 minutes. However, keep in mind that you'll need to repeat the login process after 15 days due to refresh token expiration.

What is changed recently?

I changed the result of token relate to expire time, it will be timestamp with float type. It will be more easy to compare with current time to check if token is expired or not. Example code below:

import os
from aps_toolkit import Auth, Token
refresh_token = os.getenv('APS_REFRESH_TOKEN')
token = Auth().auth3leg()
expire_time = token.expires_in

The code above will print out the expire time of the token in seconds before with result is 3600, but with new version of aps-toolkit it will be timestamp with float type, you can compare with current time to check if token is expired or not.

def is_expired(self, buffer_minutes=0) -> bool:
        Check if the token is expired
        :return: True if the token is expired, False otherwise
        time_stamp_now = time.time()
        if self.expires_in is None:
            return False
        if time_stamp_now + buffer_minutes * 60 >= self.expires_in:
            return True
        return False

May be you use function is_expired added in Token class to check if token is expired or not.

from aps_toolkit import Auth, Token
refresh_token = os.getenv('APS_REFRESH_TOKEN')
token = Auth().auth3leg()
is_expired = token.is_expired()


I hope this post has been helpful. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask—I'm more than happy to assist!
